Thursday, 20 June 2013

I wish there was a teething fairy.....

Wouldn't it be lovely if there was a teething fairy that brought moms wine and chocolate while their little ones were going through misery? I would also appreciate a watch that counts down to when the teeth are actually going to come through.  That has to be my least favorite part.  I don't like seeing the bubbs so uncomfortable but I really don't like that it seems like it is never going to end.  Ever.  So in my effort to preserve what sanity possible I have gone back to being scheduled.  Teething does not control our time, we do.  That is my mantra.  It seems that as long as we've got lots of distraction, I have a happy baby for about an hour from feeding until another nap is needed.  So we've gotten bubbles, we've borrowed a swing, found a good deal on a bouncy exersaucer, and have frozen ice cubes of milk.  If these teeth are not going to come in we are going to pretend that nothing is wrong.  The pretending seems to be working.  Naps are back to normal, happening in the crib and lasting more than 28 seconds.  This is allowing me to actually get things done.  I finished up the custom collage and I have all the machine quilting done.

Now to start the hand quilting and to sew up a couple of pillows that I cut and prepped.  This Sunday marks the last class quilting class.  I am going to be really excited to have that day back but I think that I am going to miss it.  I might have to see what the next class Johanna is teaching...

As always feel free to check out my etsy page.

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